Congratutlations! I have this one very distinct memory of Charlie as a little toddler - he was maybe 2 years old, I was working in NGM Editorial on the 7th floor. I was on the phone with someone and I sensed that there was someone in my doorway (back when we had offices!!) and it was Don and the cutest little toeheaded baby boy, Charlie! I remember saying to whoever I was on the phone with "OH MY GOD there is the cutest little blonde baby in my doorway, I have to go!" I remember it made my day.

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I remember that little guy too. He is now 6'3"...but still adorable. Thanks.

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that seems impossible!

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Such a beautiful couple; such hope for the future! Many Blessings

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

A fairy tale wedding on the water. Congratulations to the bride and groom and the amazing mother, mother-in-law. It will be wonderful!

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Love this post Annie. Congratulations. I can very much relate to the feeling. Just remember it only means your family is now growing, as I hope mine will one day. Sending you a giant hug.


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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

The greatest gift you ever gave Charlie was you. May they experience a lifetime of joy together!

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Happy happy wedding day and life to all of you.

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Annie, this is so so sweet!! I got tears in my eyes. It's beautiful to see the relationship you two have.

Thank you so much for sharing him with me and for all your love. I feel so welcomed and loved!!

We love you veeery much!

Te amo sogrinha!

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Annie, that is such a sweet story and so well told. I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your submissions. Heartfelt.

Fondly, Dina

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Obrigada, a lovely event about to be . . .

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Lovely tribute to your son! Enjoy all the wedding festivities!

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May 29Liked by Annie Griffiths

Congratulations, Charlie and Thais! And a big hug to mama bear! 💜💖💙

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